3dfx Voodoo5 9000

Такую бы видеокарту на мой первый комп :)

Тянет первый crysis.

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Эххх, жаль что фэйк...

The 5 false replica boards, software and recording where done in only 3 days. Was in really bad time because the company who should deliver the falso PCB (Wich is one giant aluminium plate printed on both sides) only did delliver it the 28 april cuz of some tecnical issues.

So when i got it home 8PM the 28 april did i have to grind the 5 different boards out and glue SMD's on, beside making a program to simulate a false Windows 2000 OS running on a modern windows 10 machine. (Yes, it's not just a video playing) But had most of that ready from last years april fool. But still had to work day and night, just got about 20 hours sleep xD

But i'm working with a lot of fakery of replicas of really rare cards to use in exhibitions. When printing on aluminium do you get both the feel and look of a real PCB and even when having the card in hand do you need to take a closer look to confirm it's fake. It's by far the most cheap way to make a replica.

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